Wednesday, July 31, 2019

College Essay

I remember it clearly- that fourth period history class. Mr.. Reilly was pacing along the front of the classroom in such a straight line that he could have been only walking on the cracks of the title floor. Somehow he was trying to consider the best possible way to explain the relationship between society's proclaimed geniuses and natural talent in relation to the artists of the Italian Renaissance. We were studying the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo Ad Vinci as well as their significance in history.He began with the statues created by Michelangelo which led to the discussion about social interaction and mental capabilities of â€Å"geniuses† in modern and ancient societies. It was noticed that those with superior skills in one element such as art. Music or academics, usually lack the experience and expertise in social interaction or other elements of life. The conversation then proceeded to contemplate the idea that without proper encouragement and nourishment of these t alents, how are they ever supposed to flourish? T was with this question that he began to move into the main point of this lesson. â€Å"Who is the greatest artist of all time? † As Mr.. Reilly asked this of us, he began to unroll his tangled arrangement of fourteenth century maps that dangled from the white board the classroom and pointed directly to where modern day Russia is now. Again he asked the sleepy teenagers of his fourth period class as if there was a totally obvious answer. He said, â€Å"It is some little unknown farming working in the family fields. No one will know her name or remember her eave, but she had a gift.She sat under a tree and drew elaborate drawings of her surroundings until he was caught and made to return to the frills. She never had a chance. † Every person is special; they just need to guidance and power to prove it. What he said never really affected me until I got home that night and thought about the little girl; however, I knew in cl ass that day that what he was saying to us would become important in some way or another. The potential for greatness is in everyone. Without harnessing that greatness, no one would succeed. Everyone is special.This was a lesson most children learn, but for me, it never registered. â€Å"l am not good enough. How could I be special in some way? All I can do is trace a picture from my computer and, if done right, pass it off as my own work to my friends or keep just good enough grades in each class to keep my A average. How can there be nothing that was good at? Everything that I could do in life was mediocre. † had thought that nothing in my life was ever going to make me stand out from everyone else but honestly†¦ I was just afraid of being globed together with society and being lost in the public image.Afraid to stand apart from everyone else. Terrified that my life would continue to be nothing out of the ordinary. Too scared to try. That there was nothing about me tha t me special. Took only that four hours. Six minutes and thirty-two seconds to realize that all that insecurity did not matter. To think that there was nothing special about me was incorrect. That negative path of thought was wrong from foundation to delivery. I realized that what separated me from everyone else has always been my drive to be better, to try new things, to work harder than everyone else in the room.Art or music or academics may not be my strongest attributes in the game of life but that does not mean that the game can not be played. To be a â€Å"genius† or â€Å"talented† is supper overrated. I am me- perfectly imperfect. My love for languages and foreign cultures, blossoming into my goal of becoming an interpreter is my talent. This dream of pursuing a life engulfed in language, culture and history is what makes me similar to that little unknown farm girl. Without realizing it, my teacher gave me the spark I needed to pursue my goals. Surprisingly, th is revelation occurred in under five minutes. College Essay I remember it clearly- that fourth period history class. Mr.. Reilly was pacing along the front of the classroom in such a straight line that he could have been only walking on the cracks of the title floor. Somehow he was trying to consider the best possible way to explain the relationship between society's proclaimed geniuses and natural talent in relation to the artists of the Italian Renaissance. We were studying the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo Ad Vinci as well as their significance in history.He began with the statues created by Michelangelo which led to the discussion about social interaction and mental capabilities of â€Å"geniuses† in modern and ancient societies. It was noticed that those with superior skills in one element such as art. Music or academics, usually lack the experience and expertise in social interaction or other elements of life. The conversation then proceeded to contemplate the idea that without proper encouragement and nourishment of these t alents, how are they ever supposed to flourish? T was with this question that he began to move into the main point of this lesson. â€Å"Who is the greatest artist of all time? † As Mr.. Reilly asked this of us, he began to unroll his tangled arrangement of fourteenth century maps that dangled from the white board the classroom and pointed directly to where modern day Russia is now. Again he asked the sleepy teenagers of his fourth period class as if there was a totally obvious answer. He said, â€Å"It is some little unknown farming working in the family fields. No one will know her name or remember her eave, but she had a gift.She sat under a tree and drew elaborate drawings of her surroundings until he was caught and made to return to the frills. She never had a chance. † Every person is special; they just need to guidance and power to prove it. What he said never really affected me until I got home that night and thought about the little girl; however, I knew in cl ass that day that what he was saying to us would become important in some way or another. The potential for greatness is in everyone. Without harnessing that greatness, no one would succeed. Everyone is special.This was a lesson most children learn, but for me, it never registered. â€Å"l am not good enough. How could I be special in some way? All I can do is trace a picture from my computer and, if done right, pass it off as my own work to my friends or keep just good enough grades in each class to keep my A average. How can there be nothing that was good at? Everything that I could do in life was mediocre. † had thought that nothing in my life was ever going to make me stand out from everyone else but honestly†¦ I was just afraid of being globed together with society and being lost in the public image.Afraid to stand apart from everyone else. Terrified that my life would continue to be nothing out of the ordinary. Too scared to try. That there was nothing about me tha t me special. Took only that four hours. Six minutes and thirty-two seconds to realize that all that insecurity did not matter. To think that there was nothing special about me was incorrect. That negative path of thought was wrong from foundation to delivery. I realized that what separated me from everyone else has always been my drive to be better, to try new things, to work harder than everyone else in the room.Art or music or academics may not be my strongest attributes in the game of life but that does not mean that the game can not be played. To be a â€Å"genius† or â€Å"talented† is supper overrated. I am me- perfectly imperfect. My love for languages and foreign cultures, blossoming into my goal of becoming an interpreter is my talent. This dream of pursuing a life engulfed in language, culture and history is what makes me similar to that little unknown farm girl. Without realizing it, my teacher gave me the spark I needed to pursue my goals. Surprisingly, th is revelation occurred in under five minutes. College Essay Do we send students to college to grow personally and intellectually or strictly to develop work related skills? In your opinion what should be the purpose of a college education and what do you hope to gain from your personal experience? College is a big step for anyone, especially teenagers, who is still growing up. Unlike in high school where the main focus is the curriculum, college also focuses on developing personality. College is not about papers and tests; it is about growing personally and intellectually while developing work related skills to help in life. A college education involves more than books and tests.It should be an experience a student should never forget. At Southwestern University, the school motto is â€Å"Be Southwestern. † To â€Å"Be Southwestern† students have to be determined and focused. To â€Å"Be Southwestern† students have to be involved. During my visit to Southwestern University, I noticed that for such a small school there are so many opportunities available to learn in variety of environments and participate in campus life. At Southwestern University the campus life consists of music, plays, Greek life, athletic events, religious interests, and preparation for the study abroad program.I have never been out of this country, and one thing I like about Southwestern is the study abroad program. Personally, I have always wanted to go to Italy. Not just because I am in love with Italian food but because it’s so different from America. I want to go to a college that allows me to see the world and experience new things. A college education should help you meet your desire to explore and interact with the world around you. Another thing I like about Southwestern University is how much help is available for students from professors. I want to go to a college that has small class sizes and cares about me as an individual.Every Southwestern University student I’ve talked to has said the professors wil l know who you are, will always be available for assistance, and will always help you succeed. At Southwestern University, a student is not just a number. The professors there are dedicated to a student’s personal success. Instead of going to a tutor, a student can schedule a simple meeting with the professor to discuss theclass. A little help can go a long way. As a student at Southwestern University, I hope to continue to strengthen my sense of pride and leadership.I have played the game of softball my entire life and hope to continue to play competitively in college. In my college softball experience, I hope to gain a greater inspiration to push myself harder than ever before both, academically and athletically. I hope one day when I look back on my college career I can say that Southwestern made me the student-athlete I always wanted to be. Through my college experiences, I will see the world in a new perspective, developing new intellectual light in a variety of subjects , and engaging in challenging curriculum and discussions.I want to find out who I am and what kind of person I will become, and I strongly believe Southwestern University will help me do that. A college education should additionally develop an individual’s appreciation for history. I go to a high school that is starting to make its history; however, I want to go to a university that has its history already established. As the oldest school in Texas, Southwestern University has many traditions. I want to be able to engage in these traditions and perhaps help make some new ones while I’m there.I don’t just want to be a part of history – I want to make history. A college experience should be one of the best times in a person’s life. The professors, the activities, and the history of the school should help one develop personally and intellectually as a student. I know that my time spent at Southwestern University will make me stronger, confident, and a more independent thinking individual who is ready to face not only challenge of working environment but also whatever life throws at me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Juliet brings her tragic end upon herself Essay

â€Å"Juliet brings her tragic end upon herself, through the disloyalty and disobedience to her family† How far do you agree? â€Å"Madam, I am here. What is your will? † Juliet’s demise comes to pass as a direct result of failing to follow the wishes of her family. This is not true. Juliet died because of loyalty to the prescripts of her heart. Our first indication of this is the instant attraction between Juliet and Romeo. Juliet was also willing to ignore the blood feud between the Capulets and Montagues in order to follow the prescripts of her heart. Juliet was willing to defy her father’s wishes for her to marry Paris. Finally and most importantly, Juliet died because of unbearable grief. Juliet and Romeo were instantly attracted to one another. Love at first glance is not unusual, but its repercussions can be devastating – as John Clare wrote: My heart had left its dwelling place And can return no more. When Romeo and Juliet spoke to each other at the Capulet ball they instantly knew what the appropriate thing was to say, and when to say it: â€Å"Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg’d. † Juliet replies, â€Å"Then have my lips the sin that they have took. † The language used in these quotes worked well because of the metaphors that were used in each one. They spoke to one another as though they had known each other for years. It was very obvious at that stage that Juliet had fallen in love. Shakespeare presented them with the idea of love because they spoke in a sonnet to each other, â€Å"My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. † This was when Romeo was speaking to Juliet and it showed us how instantly both himself and Juliet had fallen for each other. Although, when they realised who each other was, they were extremely shocked, â€Å"Is she a Capulet? O dear account! † Romeo just could not believe what he had heard. When Juliet heard that Romeo was a Montague she did not understand why she had fallen for someone, who was an enemy to her family’s name, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate! † Juliet could not believe that her first love had turned out to be a Montague. It is clearly evident then that Juliet was following the prescripts of her heart and this is what brought about the untimely and tragic end to her life. Juliet was still willing to ignore the blood feud between the two families when she found out that Romeo was a Montague. Juliet seemed distraught after hearing it, this did not stop Romeo and Juliet continuing with their secret love affair. This definitely suggested that they were both truly in love with each other, by Juliet not realising the consequences that happens if she was to continue to love Romeo; â€Å"Thou art thy self, though not a Montague. O be some other name! What’s Montague? † Juliet felt that a name was just a name and not what your true personality was inside. Romeo replied, â€Å"My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself because it is an enemy to thee. † Romeo also did not care in what his family name was because it was as far as he’s concerned, an enemy name to the Capulet household and to Juliet, the woman he loved. By Juliet still willing to follow her heart even though there were blood feuds between her own family and the Montagues, this shows us that she was just following the prescripts of her heart. Juliet carried on her love affair with Romeo and was very willing to defy her own father, â€Å"Deny thy father and refuse thy name:† We can see that Juliet was willing to give up her father’s name all for the love of her beloved Romeo. â€Å"My ears have yet not drunk a hundred words of thy tongue’s uttering, yet I know the sound. Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague? † Juliet just could not believe that the words spoken by Romeo were actually coming from the mouth of a Montague. Juliet knows that it is Romeo even by the very faint uttering of his words. Juliet seemed to not mind and told Romeo to climb the walls to be with her although they were hard to climb and her kinsmen might of found him there, â€Å"The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here. † Juliet’s willingness to defy her father shows us that she was definitely following the prescripts of her heart. In the last scene of the play, Romeo killed himself by taking poison, â€Å"Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. † Romeo had drunk to his beloved Juliet and dies of all the pain at the loss of Juliet. Juliet however, after discovering that Romeo had taken his life, decided that she wanted to die and be with her beloved, â€Å"Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end, O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? I will kiss thy lips. † Juliet kissed Romeo and thought it cruel that Romeo had not left any poison for her. She then reaches for his dagger, â€Å"Oh happy dagger, This is thy sheath; there rest, and let me die. † The love of the star crossed lovers was so intense that they were willing to sacrifice life itself in order to follow the prescripts of their heart.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report Essay Example for Free

Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report Essay Inheritance is the process of creating new classes from the existing class or classes. In  C++  and  C,  classes  can be defined as deriving from a  base class. A  derived class  inherits all of the ancestors protected and public  methods  and data  members. With inheritance if a method is made virtual in the base class then the derived class can override it with different behaviour. This makes possible  polymorphism. Types of classes: Definition:  In  C++  and  C#  OOP, a derived  class  is any class that  inherits  from any other derived class or  base class. Definition:  In  C++  and  C#  OOP, the base  class  is the highest class and does not  inherit  from any other class. Other classes can inherit from a base class. They are called  derived  classes. Forms of Inheritance: Single Inheritance: If a class is derived from a single base class, it is called as single inheritance. Multiple Inheritance: If a class is derived from more than one base class, it is known as multiple inheritance Multilevel Inheritance: The classes can also be derived from the classes that are already derived. This type of inheritance is called multilevel inheritance. Hierarchical Inheritance: If a number of classes are derived from a single base class, it is called as hierarchical inheritance Definition of class:When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. This doesn’t actually define any data, but it does define what the class name means, that is, what an object of the class will consist of and what operations can be performed on such an object. Classes ;amp; Objects in Detail Class member functions: A member function of a class is a function that has its definition or its prototype within the class definition like any other variable. Class access modifiers: A class member can be defined as public, private or protected. By default members would be assumed as private Constructor ;amp; destructor: A class constructor is a special function in a class that is called when a new object of the class is created. A destructor is also a special function which is called when created object is deleted. | | | C++ copy constructor: The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously A  friend   function is permitted full access to private and protected members of a class. | C++ inline functions| With an inline function, the compiler tries to expand the code in the body of the function in place of a call to the function. | The this pointer in C++| Every object has a special pointer  this  which points to the object itself. | Pointer to C++ classes| A pointer to a class is done exactly the same way a pointer to a structure is. In fact a class is really just a structure with functions in it. | Static members of a class| Both data members and function members of a class can be declared as static. ENCAPSULATION Definition:  In  Object Oriented Programming,  encapsulation is an attribute of  object  design. It means that all of the object’s data is contained and hidden in the object and access to it restricted to members of that class. C Programming| C++ Programming| C follows the procedural programming paradigm| C++ is a multi-paradigm langua ge(procedural as well as object oriented)| In C language focus on procedure and steps. | C++ focuses on the data rather than the process| In C data hiding and data security is not possible. Data hiding and data security is present. | C uses Top-Down approch| C++ uses Bottom-Up approach| C is a function driven programming language| C++ is a object driven programming language| C does not support overloading concept| C++ supports overloading concepts like operator overloading and function overloading| C does not support namespaces concept| CPP supports Namespaces concept. | C not support exception handling| C++ supports Exception Handling| C is structured programming language| C++ is object oriented programming language. C does not support inheritance, reusability, polymorphism, data abstraction| CPP supports inheritance, reusability, polymorphism, data abstraction. | C language only support Early binding| CPP supports both Early and Late binding| C uses standard input, output functions like scanf and printf. | C++ uses input fu nction cin and output function is cout. | There are all data is available to end user. No data security| There is data abstraction. Not complete data is available to End user| Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report. (2018, Nov 01).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

COmpare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COmpare and Contrast - Essay Example ast four cases that include Lindile Mbotya v Minister of Police, Lamula et al v Minister of Police, Mhando v Attorney General and Another, and Gervas v Said Mohamed Ndeteleni. Lindile Mbotya v Minister of Police is a South African case that was decided in the High Court of South Africa, Eastern Cape Division of Port Elizabeth. Lindile Mbotya (Plaintiff) sued the Minister of Police (Defendant) for an alleged unlawful arrest and detention seeking damages in the region of 250,000 South African Rand. The plaintiff sued based on the fact that the arrest and detention was done without probable cause and that it was malicious. A member of the South African Police Services did the arrest in the employ of the defendant. The defendant refuted the allegations stating that the plaintiff was arrested and detained lawfully in accordance with the provisions of Section 40(1) (b) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 based on the arresting officer’s suspicion that the plaintiff had committed an offence. was within the confines of the law in exercising his discretion to arrest the plaintiff. The high court ruled in favor of the plaintiff based on aspects such as unlawful arrest and the circumstances that led to the deprivation of liberty, for instance improper motive, and harsh conduct of the arresting officers. The damages were awarded not to enrich the plaintiff but to offer solatium for the injury caused and also based on the plaintiff’s constitutional rights. Mhando v Attorney General and Another is a similar case to the above case in the sense that Mhando (Plaintiff) sued the Attorney General and Another (Defendant) for wrongful arrest, detention and prosecution by the police and sought damages for that. The case was also held in a High Court, but at Dare salaam in Tanzania. Unlike in the above case, the defendant here filed a written statement of defense and also followed it by a notice of preliminary objection that the suit was time barred. Unlike the first case,

Cultural Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Tourism - Essay Example This paper approves that to improve the services that the igloos offer, it is safe to add a unit service crew where the group shall attend to the needs of people staying. At the same time, there should be catering services where the food making paraphernalia are provided and are meant to be made by the visitors in order to have a more enhanced feeling being an Eskimo. The foods that must be served are those fit in the Eskimo culture so that the feeling of satisfaction is enhanced. In this manner, people will definitely look forward to coming back to the place. There is also a need to ensure that a positive, reliable and strong workforce exists. The good thing also about this ice restaurant is that it is the largest of its kind in the world and nothing else. This is already one of its marketable characteristics. How is this important? Possession of certain characteristics that are commendable would already leave an impression of awe and curiosity on the part of the tourist who are excited to go though the adventure. This essay makes a conclusion that the Igloo village can be considered as an attempt to preserve history. This cannot be disregarded, devalued and neglected. At the same time, this cannot be considered tokenistic. It something that justifies the need to show importance towards culture that has been neglected in this world that starts to become globalized. Culture is something that is preserved upon the attempt to create and establish a reputation. This should be done in almost all levels of planning when it comes to tourism, cultural, political and economic conditions.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The intersection between ethics and politics in ANIMAL RIGHTS about Essay

The intersection between ethics and politics in ANIMAL RIGHTS about Animal Genetic Testing - Essay Example Animal testing is one of the most ethically gray points in society. One can say that it can is a necessary evil as it is an important factor in keeping technology, as in medical technology. We need to know how certain chemicals can work in our body when dispensed, hence animal testing. In short, the development of drugs is one of the reasons why there is animal testing in the midst. However, we are also aware of the fact that animal testing is brutal as it is (most of the time) done without painkillers – meaning, the animals would suffer for the plight of the people, plight of the people that make them miserable and take their services for granted, as they are inferior – animals as they are called. There are about 20 million animals that are killed every year for experiments. 75% of the said figure are killed because of medical testing and that the rest of them are killed to try new products (as in animal testing). Ten percent of the 20 million figure are said to be und ergoing procedure without any pain killers. There are many people, especially the animal rights advocates, who oppose the use of animals in medicine and health services, that is true. They are imposing various government to give restrictions on companies and businesses that do not respect animal rights for research. However, this movement is also taking a call to stop as there are also a growing number of people who do not want to stop experimenting on the animals. This is due to the fact - or fear – that medical research and technology would stop growing at the rate that it is growing now. This means that the stoppage of the use of animals in research would curtail the growth of the knowledge and scientific progress. Pain is an intrinsic evil. Those people who argue that painful experimentation on animals should be avoided, or stopped (in a perfect world), say that, and anything (or anyone) that causes pain to another creature or animal is immoral. Using the words of Jeremy Bentham, one cannot say (or use the argument) that the animals â€Å"can’t talk, or reason† hence they can be used. The real question that should be asked is â€Å"do animals suffer?† The answer is yes. They do suffer because they feel pain. The scientist who conducts research the rat for some new formulation about a new drug knows that the rat feels pain because it needs to know how the human would react if it is subjected to the new drug – will the new drug cause pain to the patient or not? Every writhe and struggle of the anilam is recorded and then will be used to improve and design a new drug. Even the fact that the scientist will have to let the animal choose to what its setup is: to have electric shocks or to have hunger, is immoral. Although the data will be used and collected to know whether ulcers of some kind would be formed, the doctor still uses the animal to know how the human mind works as the rat and humans have the same neural responses. Basically, we are like rats. Pain is an intrinsic evil. It does not matter if it is experienced by a man, child or animal. If it is wrong to inflict pain on a human being, then it is wrong to inflict pain on an animal, or any creature for that matter. Another thing that should be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Listening Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Listening Interview - Essay Example I learnt that J.P has been in the business for quite a long time and I felt he was the right person to interview since I believe he has more than enough experience (Kumar 2007). I am interested in this business because it involves games and since I love games, I believe if I can venture in it, I will be able to generate some income for myself and at the same time have fun as my main aim is to know how I can enjoy myself while I do the business. I wanted J.P to give me with full details on all the tricks of successfully making it in the business since it is a business, I have always dreamt of. After the interview with J.P, I learnt so many things that are needed to be able to make it in the games business industry. I learnt that in this business involving games stores, there are varieties of games types and most of them vary in terms of demand. I learnt from him that the business is different currently from that practiced back in the years because, today in business, the most important thing a person needs is enough space. J.P says so much space has since been taken over by other games. I also learnt that when there was a serious global crisis this business was not left out either, and because of the way J.P had mixed products in his stores he was able to survive the crisis somehow, and this has taught me that I should not ignore anything that I know has something to do with games. This means I should include all the items that are meant for sports even if they are dormant as they save situations once in a while. J.P made me know that if I want a successful business, I will have to be unique and different. When other stores are selling what they believe to be new and in high demand, I should have some items but mix them with the original ones including those that may be thought by people as dead products. I learnt that I would need to make an effort to have just everything in the store and have it as a one-stop store where a client is able to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing the New Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing the New Enterprise - Essay Example Raising equity finance in relation to Peter and Julie’s ideas such as from venture capitalists and business angels is advantageous to entrepreneurs. First, business angels can enable the new enterprise to achieve great success; thus, investors will realize their investments lest the business venture is doing well. Burns (2007, p. 123) argues that business angels can enable the entrepreneur to improve their business activities. Secondly, venture capital plays a significant role in driving business growth and employment activities. This is crucial because it deliverers valuable skills helps in strategy and decision making; thus enabling the company to increase their performance levels. It also allows the development of new technologies in the business and their applications; thus contributing to high productivity levels. Venture capital is not for every entrepreneur even though how profitable it would be. This is because it is not a business solving needs of an entrepreneur, but rather helping the entrepreneur to achieve high profitability or revenue levels. Moreover, venture capital and business angels are among the most compelling forces driving business economy-wide advancement to increased business productivity. The business may focus on advancing fundamental business performance means; thus, the two equity finances would be the potent forces for contributing to increased business performance. Raising venture capital and the business angle is crucial because it will enable new ventures to develop and reach their business goals successfully(Fraser and Simkins 2010, p.22). Every entrepreneur expects to create a winning business; thus getting enough capital for the business is crucial. Berman, Knight, Case and Berman (2008, p. 46) argue that it is only a few entrepreneurs who become successful in raising equity finance for managing their business. It is also only a few entrepreneurs who are able to generate equity finance and few of them can meet the ange l or venture capital fund requirements.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discussion Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion - Article Example This is evident in the passage as it is confirmed by this statement â€Å"thus, intersubjectivity emerges as part of a larger problem (141).† It is a reality that subject reacts with other subjects without mediation of material elements such as body or sense media. This concept is implicit in the notion of ‘intersubjectivity’. Recognition that the person uses the materials of culture and is impacted by other people does nothing to impose on the reality that such a notion is essentially individualist (Williams, 1992). Hegel does not believe that every person has to involve in a life and death fight for recognition. This is evident as gave a suggested a different concept in substitute of a ‘formation of consciousness’, he proposed an individual level and a communal social-cultural world-chronological level.’ This can be analyzed as an attempt to prevent people from seeking recognition to much. The concept of consciousness is brought in the passage, however, not as self-consciousness but people living in self-sufficient communities. Undeniably, consciousness remains a prerequisite for recognitive self-consciousness. Hegel regards material culture as products of contemplation, and never spent bothered to understand the interrelationship between materials. While he discarded the labor procedure as a pattern of the dialectic he did not discard apprehension with the creation and use of material civilization, but changed it into a logical stature. Thus, when the promoters of ‘intersubjectivity’ expunge the usage of artifacts from unrestrained action, they ignore Spirit itself. Williams asserts that Hegel changed subjectivity to intersubjectivity. However, ‘intersubjectivity’ is incomprehensible and incoherent with core fundamentals of Hegel’s perception of subjectivity (Williams, 1992). It is accurate to conclude that recognition is an extremely un-Hegelian concept since it assumes the nonexistence of effective mediating media and artifacts. It

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Food- Steroids. Anitbiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us Research Paper

Food- Steroids. Anitbiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example olic disruptor ingredients like hydrogenated oil, sodium nitrite, aspartame, homogenized milk fats, monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrite and the like that can cause brain damage, cancer, and diabetes. Third, processed foods barely resemble the nature given food that they are due to over processing, overcooking, preserving with chemicals, pasteurizing, homogenizing and even irradiating. Simply put they are dead food that the human body no longer needs. This article presents two arguments: from the farmers and from the advocates of public health. The farmers insist that they have to feed the animals with antibiotics to keep them healthy and in order to keep pace with the demands of the U.S. consumers for cheap animal meat. Public health advocates on the other hand argue that such practice of farmers is giving breed to germs in animals that are resistant to antibiotic which causes deadly diseases to the consumers. The intervention of the U.S. government in banning the use of antibiotic in animals in the 1970s did not materialize. The FDA has outlined plans to phase out the use antibiotics for non-medical purposes in animals in the coming years has yet to be seen. The author showed why the use of antibiotics in farm animals was approved in the 1950s as well as the research conducted in the 1970s showing the bad effects of antibiotics especially on E. coli bacteria. The strong lobby from farmers and drug makers for the continuance of use of antibiotics such as tetracycline and penicillin after the result of the research was released forced the ruling of the FDA to ban these antibiotics to be ruled out. It will take some time before FDA will take its final stand on banning the use of antibiotics on farm animals. More statistics perhaps showing human deaths related to antibiotic-fed animals? In this article, the author presents the research on antimicrobial coating for liquid and film containers being conducted by Tony Jin at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jin is

Persuasive essay in favour of abolishing hunting Essay Example for Free

Persuasive essay in favour of abolishing hunting Essay Hunting should be prohibited because it is all too simple for hunters to abuse regulations. Firstly, there is no way to be certain whether or not hunters comply with limits established in regards to the amount of animals they are allowed to kill, and where they are allowed to hunt. Every occurrence in a hunting expedition cannot be monitored and therefore hunters are essentially â€Å"allowed† to do as they please. The overconfidence that ensues leads to hunters taking even more lives than they are permitted. As well, hunters have the ability to enter reserves to hunt game, though they may not have the permission. This can have devastating consequences on the condition of the ecosystem where the animas live as well as the power to destroy and hinder conservation attempts. However, this could be solved through the abolition of hunting. Secondly, it is nearly impossible to identify whether methods that hunters use are â€Å"ethical†. Though there truly is no ethical way to kill an innocent animal, certain measures are taken to create laws to keep hunting as humane as possible. Nevertheless, there are many cases where these laws are disobeyed and ignored. For example, news stories have described a horrifying hunting method referred to as â€Å"slob-hunting†. Hunters will run into a herd of elk or other game and senselessly shoot, taking whatever they have killed and leaving wounded animals to simply die on their own. This merciless tactic is certainly something that is intolerable, and is yet another example of why sport hunting should be eliminated. Lastly, hunters are not supervised, giving them the ability to kill any animal in the area, including endangered species. Though most endangered species in places like North America are protected, animals do not stay stationary and there is always the possibility for one of these creatures to be injured or killed. Therefore, because hunters do not always comply with hunting laws, the practice should be abolished altogether. Another reason hunting should be outlawed is because it disrupts the intricate balance of an ecosystem. One example of this is the depletion of endangered species. There are many animals whose numbers have been severely reduced due to hunting, such as the polar bear. Though it may not seem like a conventional prey in sport hunting, climate change is not the only reason for their dwindling numbers. Polar bears are respectfully hunted in most parts of North America by the Inuit, as it is part of the culture of the area. However, polar bear trophies have now become the desire of many American sport hunters. These trophies are representative of nothing but the senseless murder of an animal, and are a prime example of how harmful sport hunting can be on an entire species. Hunters may argues that hunting is justified as it keeps animals from overpopulating, however in the wild this occurs independently. If left unchanged, and ecosystem can easily sustain itself and thrive. Population is naturally controlled through disease, as the weakest animals are killed off and the strongest are left to survive and breed, but when hunting, the strongest are the ones who are killed. To agree with a hunter’s logic would be agreeing that it is justified to kill an animal because they may become sick or starve, which is sickening. It is unnecessary cruelty, and should be eradicated. Hunting also disturbs hibernation patterns of animals, and can cause stress which can take a heavy toll on their wellbeing. For example, to wolves who live in very intimate families, the loss from hunting can devastate very many. Hunting also places very much stress on animals, and can hinder their eating. This in turn reduces their amount of fat and energy they store during hibernation, and may not allow them to survive through winter. The stress can also cause them to succumb more easily to diseases which in turn can spread to all members of the animal community. Consequently, because hunting disrupts the natural balance of plants and animals in an ecosystem, sport hunting should banned. Lastly, hunting also has the potential to destroy forests, and other habitats that animals live in. Hunters may leave camps unattended which can lead to forest fires, and damage the homes of plants and animals in the area. Unattended campfires in the campsites of hunters, especially in dry summer months, are extremely dangerous to forests. They can very easily catch on trees and can potentially destroy entire forests and take many lives. Setting up a camp itself, though it may seem like a simple act, can also have damage on the surrounding plant life. Not only are plants suffocated by the weight of a tent but also any other gear brought. They are also heavily trampled. This damage could be done to an animal’s food supply, and could cause an entire group of animals to go hungry. The weapons that hunters use can also cause physical damage to plants and trees which animals need for food and shelter. Bullets and arrows can easily slice through trees and plants, destroying both animal homes and their meals. Gunpowder and residues from other weapons can also settle onto plants. If ingested by an unsuspecting herbivore, this can make then very ill and can even be fatal to them. Finally, when hunting animals that reside in the water, the boats used pollute the oceans and lakes the animals call home, and injure animals that get too close to the propeller or motor. Boats moving through lakes deposit gasoline and oil into lakes, which can be fatal to aquatic life. They also drag litter into the water which is hazardous not only for fish and other underwater creatures, but for animals such as otters and birds as well. Boat motors and propellers can also be tremendously dangerous to marine life, as they are sharp and can seriously disfigure an innocent creature. Thus, because hunting has the ability to destroy not only animals but also their habitats, it should be prohibited.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Compound Pendulum Essay Example for Free

The Compound Pendulum Essay Over here, I will be exploring the different ways in which love is portrayed by authors in their texts. We see love as being supportive in â€Å"Macbeth† and â€Å"The Song Of The Old Mother. † As we progress, we also see love between individuals as being disturbed. We see this in â€Å"My Last Duchess† and â€Å"Porphyria’s lover,† as the speakers in the following poems are very possessive, but the way they treat their partners is very disturbing. In many texts the authors portray love as being supportive and we see many examples of this in â€Å"Macbeth,† by William Shakespeare and in â€Å"The Song of the Old Mother,† by William Butler Yeats. The only major difference between these two is the supportive love is shown in two different relationships: in Macbeth it is shown between a husband and wife relationship and in the Song of the Old Mother it is shown in a parent child relationship. Macbeth is a play written by the famous William Shakespeare in 1606, during the early reign of James I. James I originally was from Scotland but had just become the king of England and was a patron Shakespeare’s acting company, The King’s Men. In Macbeth, the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is a very close. They both love each other very much and we get to know this in Macbeths letter to Lady Macbeth, where he calls her his â€Å"dearest partner of greatness. † They love each other a lot and we constantly see Lady Macbeth supporting and leading Macbeth in many different occasions. We see her being concerned about his future a lot as she wants the best for him even by using the evil means, for example the murder of King Duncan. We also see that she also knows Macbeth’s nature very well. We see this right after Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth about the prophecies made upon the heath, she said: â€Å"Yet I do fear thy nature: it is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. † Shakespeare uses metaphors to show that Macbeth is pure; the metaphor â€Å"full o’ the milk of human kindness† tells us the Macbeth’s heart is white and pure like milk suggesting that he is very pure and generous. The phrase â€Å"to catch the nearest way† tells us that Macbeth is an honourable man and likes to earn his titles instead of taking short criminal ways. Over here Lady Macbeth is referring to the murder of Duncan about which Macbeth was really unsure about, however in the end he was convinced by Lady Macbeth. Some readers might think that Lady Macbeth is eager to see her husband as the king and wants it to happen as soon as possible even if he has to use wrong methods of earning better future. However others might think that Lady Macbeth is thinking about herself as she wants to get her hands on the fame and fortune more quickly. She knows that very well that Macbeth will need her support in order to betray others and get the best. Before Macbeth has reached his castle she starts thinking of ways in which she can convince him. Then She found the perfect solution to her problem in which she will use the power of her tongue to convince him. She said: â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valour of my tongue all the impedes thee from the golden round. † Over here she decides to use the power of her tongue to clear all of Macbeth’s doubts. The phrase â€Å"pour my spirits in thine ear† suggests that she will inspire him with her passion and her brave words will clear all the hesitations that he has. The phrase â€Å"chastise with the valour of my tongue† shows that she will tell him off for having any doubts. Now Shakespeare here uses a very powerful verb â€Å"chastise,† this verb is very harsh and is used by parents to tell their child off for being extremely naughty. This shows the dominance of Lady Macbeth over Macbeth, which is the total opposite of how husband and wife relationships were in the Elizabethan era. The phrase â€Å"impedes thee from the golden round† over here Lady Macbeth refers to the crown as the â€Å"golden round,† to emphasize its importance. Overall this phrase suggests that Lady Macbeth will help Macbeth overcome all the obstacles which are in his way. Over here the argument is the same as before, some will think that she is doing this for the welfare of Macbeth, while others will say she is doing it for fame and titles. Much later on in the play, after Duncan’s murder Macbeth started hallucinating and brought the daggers with him. When Lady Macbeth orders him to put them back and smear the servants, he refuses as he was too afraid to go. So Lady Macbeth takes on the job and comes backs and gets Macbeth to wash his hand, at that point she insults him of being a coward. She said: â€Å"My hands are of your colour: but I shame to wear a heart so white† Lady Macbeth insults Macbeth by saying â€Å"a heart so white,† suggesting that she is saying that he was a coward and can’t handle a little blood. She then says â€Å"hands are of your colour,† suggesting that is supporting him She means to say that she is his accomplice in the crime. She might have said this due the condition he was in. Over all the argument for all these quotes above are the same as some think she did all this for Macbeth, while others suggest she did this for herself. Now comes â€Å"The Song Of The Old Mother,† in which the poet shows love in a supportive manner in a parent child relationship. This poem is written by William Butler Yeats, who was born in Ireland in 1865. He was really fascinated by Irish history and culture. And this poem that he wrote in 1899 reflects his interest in the Irish peasantry.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nestle International Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay

Nestle International Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay Nestle` is one of the largest Nutrition, health and wellness company and committed to provide the best Nutritional food and products around the Globe. Company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlà © in VeVey (Switzerland). Nestle is a flat organisation with few levels of management and span of control. Moreover, currently company is operating in 84 different countries with 456 factories. Furthermore, In order to ensure the company long term sustainable growth and better understand of customers needs, Company constantly reviews its product portfolio and focuses on its efforts to conduct research. Consequencely, success of Nestle is a reflection of clear define responsibilities, reflection of professionalism, responsible attitude of management, well defined objective as well as significant global leadership position ( Nestle Brands: ( The Nestlà © brand portfolio such as milk and dairy products, nutritions, weight management, performance and healthcare, breakfast cereals, ice cream, coffee and culinary products (prepared dishes, cooking aids, sauces) pet care, bottled water etc. practically cover all food and beverage categories. Many of the brands have leadership with in the local and global market and existed for several years, for instance S.Pellegrino the mineral water from Italy, and Nestlà © Moà §a in Brazil, are over 100 years old. The best-known global brands include Nescafà ©, Nestea, Maggi, Buitoni, Purina and Nestlà © itself. Furthermore other brands for instance Milo, Nespresso, Nesquik, Kit Kat, Smarties, Polo, Friskies, Perrier and Vittel sells in many countries. It is considered that total number of brands including local and international reaches into the several thousands. NESTLE INTERNATIONAL MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. Key Dates 1866 Company Founded 1905 Nestle Merger with Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company 1929 Nestle Merger with Peter, Cailler, and Kohler Chocolates Suisses S.A. 1947 Nestle Merger with Alimentana S.A. (Maggi) 1971 Nestle Merge with Merger with Ursina-Franck1974LOrà ©al (equity interest) 1977 Nestle Acquire Alcon (2002: partial IPO) 1985 Nestle Acquire Carnation 1988 Nestle Acquire Buitoni-Perugina 1988 Nestle Acquire Rowntree 1992 Nestle Acquire Perrier 1998 Nestle Acquire San Pellegrino and Spillers Pet foods 2000 Nestle Acquire Power Bar 2001 Nestle Acquire Ralston Purina 2002 Nestle Acquire Schà ¶ller and Chef America 2003 Nestle Acquire of Mà ¶venpick, Powwow and Dreyers 2004 Nestle Acquire Valio (ice cream) 2005 Nestle Acquire Wagner, Protà ©ika, Musashi 2007    Novartis Medical Nutrition, Gerber and Henniez 2009    Vitality Beverage business 2010    Nestle Acquire Kraft Pizza JOINT VENTURES Key Dates 1974 LOrà ©al 1981 Galderma (joint venture with LOrà ©al) 1990 Nestle Joint Venture with General Mills (Cereal Partners world wide) 1991 Nestle Joint Venture with Coca Cola (formerly CCNR) Beverage Partners Worldwide 2002 Nestle Joint Venture with Fonterra (Dairy Partners Americas) Competitiveness ( Nestle, competitive advantages among the competitors are based on four points, For instance, Nestle product and brand portfolio such as Nestle Group is the manufacturer of billions of different products and operates in thousands of value added brand around the world. Furthermore, Nestle unmatched Geographically presence, for instance Nestle spend approx CHF 35 billions in emerging market in every year which is higher than a average growth and profitability, Moreover, Nestle leading RD capabilities, for Instance Company spend approx CHF 2.0 billions on RD for innovations and renovation to increased awareness in local taste and preference. In addition, company international business strategy such as to respect and follows all applicable local, laws, legislation, religious practices and culture aspect. International Business Strategy Nestlà ©s international business strategies are associated with direct foreign investment in food or other dairy business. For instance, operating in the advanced market, Nestlà © policy is to invest direct with the big companies to achieve the economical scale, or, establish strategic alliance with large companies and sights the new markets for business growth. Moreover in less developed market Nestle grow by processing technology or employ the local brand or acquire the local company. For its significant growth in future, Nestle is actively focused on the Developing and Emerging Market (DE) for instance India and China. It is considered that the populations of DE economies will increase by 3300 million by the end of 2050. The Sales in DE economies market is accounted CHF 35,000 millions in percentage 30% of the total sale which has been increased 15.4% over 2007 and company expects to double in the next ten years Nestlà © Corporate Governance The company governance bodies are Board of Directors (Board) Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee (CCGC) Compensation Committee (CC) Nomination committee (NC) Audit Committee (AC) Chairman of the Board Chief Executives Officer (CEO) Executive Board (EB) Board of Directors (Board) According to the company Article of Associations 2009 Article 14 15, Number of Directors and term of office, The Board of Directors shall consist of at least seven members also board shall be elected for three years by the General Meeting. Furthermore each year board will renew by rotation and will establish new order of rotation in the case of increase or decrease of board of director. The board Members are: Chairman Two Voice Chairmen Chief Executive officer (CEO) Members of the Committee Role of the Board and its Committees According to the company Article of Associations 2009 (NO 16), board is responsible for the selection of chairman and voice Chairmen, and its assignment of responsibilities. Furthermore According to the company Article of Associations 2009 (No17 18), article defines the general power of board such as board can conduct business to the extent that is not within the board regulation or general meeting. Moreover board is responsible for, For instance, Management and supervision of the business The appointment and removal of the chairman and Voice chairmen The appointment and removal of committee members The appointment of CEO and members of Executive board (EU) Preparation of Management report also preparation of General Meetings including agenda and proposal. The company long term Strategy Financial operation Establish or close branch office The Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee (CCGC) This committee consists of Chairmen, Two voice chairmen, Chief executive officer and elected member of the board. Furthermore, committee liaises between board and chairman. The board approved power and duties for (CCGC) and particularly (CCGC) acts as a consoler and solve the management issue between chairman and chief executive officer. The Compensation Committee (CC) The Compensation committee is consists of minimum two non executive members of the board and chief executive officer; furthermore CC recommends compensation policy to the board and also proposes the remuneration system and principals for approvals. The Nomination Committee (NC) The Nomination committee is consists of independent and non executive members of the board preferably not the member of (CCGC) committee, furthermore this committee establish principal to select candidate for board of director also prepare proposal for board decision. The Audit Committee (AC) The Audit committee is consists of minimum two non executive members of the board and voice chairmen who control the committee, furthermore majority of the members are independent and at least one member have financial expertise. Moreover the responsibly of AC is to assists the Board to fulfill its responsibilities with respect to financial and accounting reporting process also overview of risk management as well as internal and external audit process also unrestricted approach to the companys record . Chairman of the Board The chairman is responsible to supervise the board (subject to the power of board) and management of the company governance. Chairman responsibilities are, For instance Leads the Board Overall responsibilities for the development of strategies (together with CEO) Appointment and removal of proposal shareholder and executive management To ensure the alignment of boards strategies and board committee To ensure the proper flow of information In coordination with CEO, Responsible to organise and chair the board meeting Responsible to organise and chair the General Meeting Work close to nomination committee (assessment of board of director nomination) Takes a leading role to design the group corporate governance The Chief executive officer The chief executive officer is considered the supreme executive authority for the company and the Groups (subject to the power reserved to the board) the committee and the chairman, furthermore, CEO has following duties and powers, For instance Organise, manage and monitor the business affairs To approve, acquisitions, participations, investment and divestitures In coordination with chairman, submit proposal to the board for the nomination or dismissal To call and chair the meetings of Executive board Report to chairman The vice Chairmen The board shall appoint two independent directors as vice chairmen, responsibilities of vice chairmen are to work close to the chairmen and discuss industrial, strategic marketing, internal control as well as financial issue. Furthermore, one of them should be have financial expertise to ensure the good internal financial control and second should have industrial experience on the global level Code of Business Conduct The Nestlà © Code of Business Conduct are designed to provide a frame of reference against all possible situations that may occur and helps the continued implementation of the Corporate Business Principles Moreover the purpose of the code is to employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt situation, and avoid all those conduct which may damage Nestle reputation. The main points of code of business conduct, For instance Compliance with laws, rules and regulations Conflicts of Interest Outside directorships and other outside activities Families and Relatives Corporate opportunities Insider trading Antitrust and fair dealing Confidential information Fraud, protection of company assets, accounting Bribery and corruption Gifts, meals, entertainment Discrimination and harassment Failure to comply Reporting illegal or non-compliant conduct STRATEGIC APPROCHES FOR REDUCE POLITICAL, OPERATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE VULNERABILITIES Corporate Business Principles (International) Nestle business objective is to market and manufacture the products such a way to create long term value for business partner, shareholders, consumers, and employees, and also to ensure the highest standard of organisation. Moreover nestle is committed to create the value for all those communities around the world where Nestle market there products. Nestle corporate business principles are based on, for instance, fairness, honesty and sound human values such as, consumer communication principal, human right principal, child labor and environment protection principal, and translated into 40 different languages Therefore, company respect and follows all applicable local, laws and legislation, religious practices and culture aspect. In additions, Nestlà © Management is committed to follow the Business Principles to avoid the administrative and operational Vulnerabilities; therefore management is responsible for, For instance, Manage professional skills, Curiosity and open-mindedness High level of interest in other cultures, Commitment to continuous learning, improving, and sharing knowledge Motivate staff in order to contribute wider group performance Involvement of each employee at all levels (concerned with continuously adding value to company). Consequencely, success of Nestle is a reflection of clear defines responsibilities, reflection of professionalism, responsible attitude of management, well defined objective as well as significant global leadership position. Company Performance ( 15-Apr-2010 Strong support for Board proposals at Nestlà © AGM Mar-2010 Nestlà © Bets on Mexican Coffee 02-Mar-2010 Nestlà © completes acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza business 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © to acquire Kraft Foods frozen pizza business 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © opens global RD Centre 04-Jan-2010 Nestlà © to sell remaining Alcon shares to Novartis. Annual General Meeting On 15-April-2010 The Nestle Annual General Meeting was held in VeVey (Switzerland), the main points of the meeting for instance, the meeting has approved the annual reports and re-elected the Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (chairman), for three year, also other board member such as Steven G. Hoch (Founder and senior partner) and Andrà © Kudelski (Chairman and CEO Kudelski group) and two new board members, Ms Titia de Lange and Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth selected for three years. Furthermore 2,640 shareholders have approved the proposal for increase the dividend to CHF 1.60 per share. Moreover chairman has point out the issue regarding deforestation of rainforest to shareholders and explained Nestle is working towards to the end of deforestation of rainforest. Acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza business On 05-January 2010 Nestle has showed the interest to acquire the Kraft food frozen business in the USA and Canadian market with including brands are such as California Pizza, DiGiorno, Tombstone, Jacks and Delissio for USD 3.7 billion in cash. Furthermore it is considered that USA is the largest pizza market in the world and it generate about USD 37 billion, therefore Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlà © said, This acquisition will bring the selection of great US and Canadian brands and also it will enhances Nestlà ©s frozen food activities in North America where Nestlà © only had a minor presence until now. In addition, this acquisition will provide a strong strategic pillar in the US and Canadian Market where company already established a leadership in dishes and hand held products, such as Lean Cuisine, Buitoni, Lean Pockets, Stouffers and Hot Pockets. Consequently, on 01 March 2010 after completion of closing conditions Nestlà © has concluded the acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza. Nestlà © Bets on Mexican Coffee Nestlà © has announced the plans to invest US$ 390 million in Mexican production and infrastructure facilities. The investment will be directed Nescafe instant coffee processing plant to expand the capacity by 40%, which will make it the worlds largest coffee processing plant. Due to the low production cost and vast network of trade, Nestle is planning to build Mexico as a regional export hub in the American zone. Nestlà © opens global RD Centre On 05-Jan-2010 Nestlà © has open a Global RD center in Santiago de Chile. The New RD Center will include the bioactive ingredients to reduce the sugar and fat level in the biscuits without compromising the biscuit quality. Sell of remaining Alcon shares to Novartis On 04 Jan 2010 Nestlà © S.A. has transferred the Alcon remaining 156,076,263 shares representing around 52% of the companys issued and outstanding share to Novartis, accordance with the contract agreed on 6 April 2008. Moreover, the reason for transfer the control are gradually based on three issues for instance, The divestment of Alcon, The initial IPO of 23.25% in 2002 The sale of 24.8% in 2008 And the exercise of the call option by Novartis. Alcon was acquired by Nestlà © in 1977 for USD 280 million Nestle share buy back Programme. Nestle boards of Directors Continues to believe that significant share buy back Programme should help to drive the performance of food and beverage business and enhance the shareholder value, Therefore Nestle Board has announced share buy back Programme on 15 August 2007 for over the next three year subject to market conditions. The objective of this Programme was to improve capital efficiency and future prospects of food and beverage business. The Programme has been divided into two steps such as one of CHF 15 billion and one of CHF 10 billion. Furthermore, due to acquisition of Novartis medical nutrition and Gerber, which has created a critical Mass in Nutrition sales approx CHF 10 Billion? On the contrary the total value of repurchased share from August 2007 to December 2009 is CHF20.1 As a consequence, in 2009 the group has brought back CHF 7 billion which is equal worth of its own shares and the remaining CHF 5 billion in share will be brought back in the course of 2010. After completation of this Programme further group will launch a new CHF 10 billon share back Programme with intent to buy additional CHF 5 billion share before the end of the year. NOTABLE FACTS The worlds largest food and beverage company has been internationally criticized for purchasing and using the palm oil, water bottling issue in USA, child labor problems in cocoa-growing nations and its aggressive marketing of baby food product all over the world. Greenpeace Campaign. ( Greenpeace organisation has started a campaign against Nestle over its purchase of palm oil by an Indonesian company called Sinar Mas.  Greenpeace claims that Sinar Mas getting the palm oil by destroying the rainforest and use in it for candy bars and other products. Considerably, rainforests contributes about 20% of greenhouses gases also support transport sector. Therefore, deforestation of rainforests and the excessive use of bio-fuels are serious environmental issues on the global level. Bottle Water issue (Steel, Emily. 2010, Journal) Nestle is a top water bottling company and selling water under 70 different brands name in the world. Nestle controlled one third bottled water market in America. However, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and coalition of many others environmental and social justice organizations has launched a campaign against Nestle in North America to prevent the new bottle water facility in Cascade Locks Oregon. The reason for this campaign is bottled water facility would lead to the commodification of Oregons and it contributes to the plastic waste problem also it is the waste of prime resources and potential way to destroy the local wildlife. Baby Milk Scandal ( Nestle has been targeted and criticized by the International baby food action network (IBFAN) for the violation of international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes and also aggressive baby food marketing strategies for selling artificial infant feeding which has the cause of unnecessary death of children. SWOT ANALYSIS (2010. DATAMONITOR) Nestle is the world largest company by sales and strong brand portfolio with manufacturing and marketing the branded food product around the world. Strengths -Strong brand name According to the Inter brand management company, Nestlà © is one of the best-known companies in the world and ranked 63rd best global brands in 2008 and its top 30 brands earn over CHF 1,000 million which is 70% of its sales. Furthermore, For instance Customise products to the local market conditions Strong global operations RD Capabilities Weaknesses -Increasing product recalls history In November 2008, Nestlà © USA recalled the product called Nesquik Strawberry Powder, due to the fearing of small fragments of aluminum. Furthermore, Nestlà © Prepared Foods Co has recalled 900,000 pounds worth of meals the Lean Cuisine brand frozen chicken due to small chunks of blue plastic. Moreover in September 2008, in Hong Kong Company recalled UHT milk due to contain melamine chemical. Opportunities The Nestle is utilising the RD capabilities to achieve the competitiveness in the health and wellness market. For instance, Nestlà © is focusing on nutrition combining taste to reduce the fatty acids, salt and sugar and increase the micro nutrients such as minerals and vitamin for consumer better health and to ensure for the profitable growth. Furthermore, Nestle is working on, Scientific innovations to address obesity and diabetes On developing economies Focus on external Market Currently company generate 50% of food and beverage in North America, India, China, Russia, Brazil and company is expected double of the sale in next ten years. Threats -Issues The company has been internationally criticized for issues and fines for instance Purchase and use of palm oil Water bottling issue in USA, Child labor problems (in cocoa-growing nations) Aggressive marketing of baby food product all over the world -Fines In February 2009 Nestle and Coca Cola Company has been fine in US$ 650,000 against Enviga-Brand green tea beverage products. In February 2010 Nestle has been fine E30 million by Greeces competition watchdog for abusing against its dominant position in the coffee market. -Political and Economical Factor Nestle company is operating in 84 countries in the world with having entire different cultural, political and economical back ground. The concerning issues regarding these countries are, the political stability, the infra structure, the local regulation, the foreign trade which might be potentially affect on Nestle ability to do business with in these countries. Nestle Group sales, profitability and financial position ( Nestlà © Groups sale in 2009 was in at CHF 107.6 billion, with organic growth of 4.1%. Operating profit was in at CHF15.7 billion, and net profit was CHF10.43 billion with organic growth of 4.1 percent. Underlying earnings per share rose from CHF 2.82 to CHF 3.09, which is equal to 9.6% , Food and Beverages sales was in CHF 99.8 billion, with organic growth of 3.9%,, Marketing and administrative expenses rose 33.7% of total sales. Nestle Expand RD capabilities in 10 basis points in developing countries. Reported EBIT margin was 30 basis or 14.6%, with an EBIT of CHF 15.7 billion. The Groups operating cash flow reached by 10.7billion or 67 %, the groups return on invested capital (ROIC) increased 15.6% (including goodwill) and 35.1% (excluding goodwill) and net debt reached CHF 18.1 billion. In 2009 consolidated In millions of CHF As % of Total Sale Sale 107,618 Net profit (b) 10,428 9.7% Operating cash flow 17,934 Capital Expenditure 4,641 4.3% Market capitalisation 174,294 Net Debit 18,085 EBIT (A) Group 15,699 14.6% Free cash flow (c) 12,369 EBIT (a) Food Beverage 13,083 13.1% Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 48,915 Ratio of the debt to equity (gearing) 37.0% Over all cost of goods sold decreased by 110 basis points Distribution costs fell by 40 basis points Marketing and expenses rose by 110 basis points (equal 33.7% of total sale) Zone Americas: Total Sales was CHF 23.4 billion, with 6.4% organic growth and 2.3% real internal growth. In North America, internal growth accelerated in the, ice cream, pet care, soluble coffee and chocolate in the and slow down in frozen food, Moreover Brazil build the positive momentum and mainly to growth in dairy category also rest of the region has showed the positive improvement in the third quarter. Zone Europe: Total Sales was CHF 16.5 billion, with 0% organic and -1.5% real internal growth, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the Iberian region has rise internal growth. The Great Britain region delivered the strong performance, Eastern Europe presented a weaker real internal growth in Czech and Slovak Republics and Russia, positive in e Poland and the Ukraine Zone Africa, Asia and Oceania: Total Sales was CHF 11.7 billion with 3.0 real internal growth and 5.8% organic growth the organic growth was unchanged in Oceania and Japan and the rest of all emerging regions were improved in volumes, although real internal growth in Oceania and Japan was unchanged. Furthermore, China, Philippines, South Asia and Africa has shows the strong real internal growth. Appendices Appendix No 1: Appendix 3 Sale forecast Sale and EBIT Margin by operating segments Sales and EBIT Margin by Products.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saint Augustine Essay -- Biography Biographies Augustine Essays

Saint Augustine Saint Augustine (354-430 AD), also known as Augustine of Hippo created an image of himself through his writings and teachings. He was born in Tagaste, a town in North Africa, on November 13, 354 AD. He was born into a middle class family. Patricius, his father, was a pagan, but later converted to Christianity because of his wife, Monica, was a devout Christian. Augustine’s mother, who was devoted to the Roman Catholic church, constantly tried for her son's conversion. Augustine was educated as a lecturer in the former North African cities of Tagaste, Madaura, and Carthage. The philosophical works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman speaker and politician, inspired Augustine to become a seeker after truth. Augustine engaged restlessly in philosophical studies, and passed from one phase of thought to another, unable to find satisfaction. From 373 until 382, in Carthage, he conformed to Manichaeism, a dualistic philosophy dealing with the conflict between good and evil. This seemed to be the answer to the confusion in his own heart. It solved the mysteries that confused him in his own experience. After realizing that this philosophy wouldn’t make a great ethical system, he abandoned this philosophy. After being educated throughout North Africa, he left Carthage and in 384 found himself in Milan where he would pursue his career of a professor in rhetoric. Also, in Milan he met and was influenced by the bishop, Ambrose. With this, Augustine was at tracted again to Christianity and was baptized by Ambrose in 387. Augustine was also influenced by Platonism. He than returned to North Africa where he became the bishop of Hippo in 391, a title he held until he died. This great â€Å"Father of the Church,† wrote a handbook on the three theological virtues: faith, hope, and love. The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love was written in the year 420. It is a brief handbook on the proper mode of serving God, through faith, hope, and love. It is easy to say what one ought to believe, what to hope for, and what to love. But to defend our doctrines against the slander of those who think differently is a more difficult and detailed task. If one is to have this wisdom, it is not enough just to put an enchiridion in the hand. It is also necessary that a great eagerness be in the heart. Saint Augustine says that God created all things good. In Chapter XI, ... ...t evil is but the absence of good. I feel that God did make everything good, and it is the absence of good that causes evil. People choose the road they feel like taking throughout life. I think of it this way; God started us off on this world all consisting of good and it is we who choose to become evil. This follows through with Augustine’s next idea, which I also agree with, in that there can be no evil where there is no good. This holds true because everybody consists of good, and evil is the absence of good, so that just concludes that in order for evil there must be good. Augustine also says that good and evil can exist at the same time, but evil cannot exist without good, however, good can exist without evil. I feel that one can embody good and evil, there are many humans like that now. It’s true that evil cannot exist without good because we are only evil when we aren’t good, but one can be good without being evil. I hope I have made it clear that there are some points that I agree with and there are some ideas of Augustine that I don’t agree with. As for the way to serve God, I believe that as long as you live your life to the best of your ability, you will succeed.

civics- the constitution :: essays research papers

PART ONE- the definitions are done on the notebook along with the matching and multiple choice. SHORT ANSWER 2. A. A democracy is a form of government where the people govern themselves. A republic is a form of government where the people elect officials to make their decisions for them. A democratic republic is a form of government where the people elect officials to represent them in the affairs of the government. B. The united states government is a democratic republic. 3. A. Abraham Lincoln was describing the fact that without the consent of the people there would be no government. B. Lincoln was referring to the constitution. 4. 1. Being well informed of what our government is doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. Voting in all elections   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3.writing letters to our representatives expressing our views and opinions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. By lobbying when and if it is an option.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5. Taking legal action against a law that we may feel is unconstitutional   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6. By signing petitions in support of or against some actions taken by elected officials. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. There was no central power   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. There was no executive   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. There was no judicial system 6.exclusive federal power are those powers belonging only to the federal government. Concurrent powers are those belonging to both the state and federal governments. Denied powers are those powers that are forbidden from any government. 7. The problem was solves by dividing the powers of government. 8. Ratifying the constitution meant that nine of the thirteen states had to accept it. 9. One opposing side was called the federalists. The other opposing side was called the anti-federalists. PART TWO definitions 1. Preamble- the introduction to the constitution 2. Union- the bringing together of two or more groups to form one. 3. Welfare- the general well-being of a people 4. Posterity- those that come after us. 5. Register- to sign you name among those qualified for voting. 6. Congressional district- the section of state that is represented by one member of the house. 7. Census- the counting of people of any given area 8. Caucus- the meeting of leaders of a political party held for some special purpose 9. Impeachment- the act of accusing a political figure of some wrong doing. 10. Quorum- The amount of members of a group required to be present to complete their business. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A SHORT ANSWER 1. The constitution was written in it’s final form by Gouverneur Morris. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. In order to form a more perfect union- I think this means in order to bring the people of our nation closer together and to make the government more stable and smoother running.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Antonio Vivaldi and the music of his time :: essays papers

Antonio Vivaldi and the music of his time Throughout history there have been many distinct periods of time. These various eras are all alike in a way because they all slowly flow into each other. One of these unique times was called the Baroque period. The Baroque time began during the 1600's and ended early during the early 1700's. The way Baroque music was looked at was varied depending on where you looked at it from. In Italy, it was largely energetic and spectacular. Yet, if you were to travel North, you would encounter the "gloom's of muted firelight." This, along with the "shadowy pales of another world," simply means that this music wasn't greatly appreciated in Southern Italy, as it was more towards the North. The people of the North were not as affectionate towards this type of music. Although, the more time that had passed in the 1600's, the more popular the baroque music became. It was greatly adored by the listeners. The beauty that this type of music contained was extremely astonishing. Also the drama in this type of music and theatre was what made this time stand out from the rest. The actual term "baroque" is extracted from "baroco" which is a name used by medieval philosophers to identify a reasoning that writers of the 16th century found absurd and pointless. On the contrary, Baroque music is far from being absurd or pointless. The word "baroque" is derived from that or from the word "barrochio" that is an Italian word used since the middle ages to indicate shifty or tricky procedures. Wherever it's beginnings, the word "baroque" had been used since the 18th century to indicate paintings, poems, architecture, literature, and all else that is dynamic, dramatic, and to some eyes, astonishing and incredibly even ugly. This really comes to a surprise to me because I've listened to baroque music like Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach and none of the music struck me as being "ugly." The first word that came to mind when I was listening was "relaxing." Like all other music, there are some people that think higher of it then others. Sir Francis Bacon said, "^Ã…I cannot but be raised to this persuasion, that this third period of time will far surpass that of the Grecian and Roman learning^Ã…" After reading this quotation you can clearly see that Sir Francis Bacon thinks the Baroque time is far superior to the Grecian and Roman periods. Antonio Vivaldi and the music of his time :: essays papers Antonio Vivaldi and the music of his time Throughout history there have been many distinct periods of time. These various eras are all alike in a way because they all slowly flow into each other. One of these unique times was called the Baroque period. The Baroque time began during the 1600's and ended early during the early 1700's. The way Baroque music was looked at was varied depending on where you looked at it from. In Italy, it was largely energetic and spectacular. Yet, if you were to travel North, you would encounter the "gloom's of muted firelight." This, along with the "shadowy pales of another world," simply means that this music wasn't greatly appreciated in Southern Italy, as it was more towards the North. The people of the North were not as affectionate towards this type of music. Although, the more time that had passed in the 1600's, the more popular the baroque music became. It was greatly adored by the listeners. The beauty that this type of music contained was extremely astonishing. Also the drama in this type of music and theatre was what made this time stand out from the rest. The actual term "baroque" is extracted from "baroco" which is a name used by medieval philosophers to identify a reasoning that writers of the 16th century found absurd and pointless. On the contrary, Baroque music is far from being absurd or pointless. The word "baroque" is derived from that or from the word "barrochio" that is an Italian word used since the middle ages to indicate shifty or tricky procedures. Wherever it's beginnings, the word "baroque" had been used since the 18th century to indicate paintings, poems, architecture, literature, and all else that is dynamic, dramatic, and to some eyes, astonishing and incredibly even ugly. This really comes to a surprise to me because I've listened to baroque music like Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach and none of the music struck me as being "ugly." The first word that came to mind when I was listening was "relaxing." Like all other music, there are some people that think higher of it then others. Sir Francis Bacon said, "^Ã…I cannot but be raised to this persuasion, that this third period of time will far surpass that of the Grecian and Roman learning^Ã…" After reading this quotation you can clearly see that Sir Francis Bacon thinks the Baroque time is far superior to the Grecian and Roman periods.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of the Macroeconomic Environment in the Philippines Essay

Today, as of the second quarter of the 2013, the Philippines’ sees unemployment at the rate of 7.5%, an increase from the 1st quarters 7.1%. Even with this slight upward movement, the country is still below its average in the past decade of 8.6%. In the latest results of the April 2013 Labor Force Survey (LFS), the National Statistics Office reported that the number of agricultural workers decreased from an estimated 12.47 million in April 2012 to 11.84 million in April 2013, this, mostly due to extreme weather conditions. Combined with the increase in the number of graduates in 2013, this has contributed to our growing labor force. The total number of employed persons in April of 2013 is estimated at 37 819 million compared to 37 840 million in April of 2012. While employment in the agriculture sector had dropped, employment in the industry sector and services sector grew by 3.8 % and by 1.9 %, respectively Laborers and unskilled workers comprised the biggest group making up one-third, 32.6 % of the total employed persons. Further statistics show the overall unemployment picture to be the ff: Males make 61.4 % while females, 38.6 % of the unemployed. By age, 15-24 made up 48.2% of the total unemployed, while the age group 25-34, made 30.9%. In education, about one-fifth, 21.3 % of the unemployed were college graduates, 14.6 % were college undergraduates, and 31.7 % were high school graduates. Minimum wage in the Philippines as of November 1, 2012 to the present is at the highest in the NCR at P456. These can be further segmented into regions and sectors. Overall wages in the Philippines’ has been slightly decreasing (drop 236 index points as of data presented as of 2012). Even with this, we see in a slow decrease in overall wages in the country (Figure 6) Poverty in the Philippines has shown an upward trend in the past few years moving from 6703 in 2006 to 9385 last 2012. At the same time, the poverty incidence among families moved slightly downward to 22.3in 2012 from a 23.4 in 2006. Overall, in the past few years we have seen some improvements in terms of overall employment the Philippines Employed individuals are seeing movement upward as well as seeing an overall increase in available jobs. Even with the available work in the Philippines, we still see those with vocational training and college training edging high school graduates for the opportunities. Amidst these trends, the wages have fluctuated from being flat or slightly decreasing. Even with this, GDP has steadily increased throughout the years. (as well as GNP and GDP per capita) We have seen some good economic growth in the Philippines in the past few years, eve n with the slight drop in wages and increased numbers in underemployment. We can thus suggest that wages and economic performance might not be as correlated as we think.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Both ‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Of mice and men’ are concerned with the themes of loneliness and dependency Essay

Comp atomic number 18 the way bloody shame Shelly and John Steinbeck write nigh these benignant conditions.In this es narrate I depart discuss and comp ar the connatural themes of loneliness, isolation and dependency in of mice and men and Frankenstein. succeeder Frankenstein is the main protagonist character in the obligate Frankenstein. He is a scientist who ch every last(predicate)enges public lore. He lives in a regretful family mansion in Geneva with solely of his family. At first Frankensteins descent with his family and garters is really close. When he moves to the university in Igolstadt he writes frequent garner to his family and Elizabeth.Frankenstein has an obsession with a desire to create spirit. He crushs this irrepressible desire from the unfortunate loss of his arrive during the birth of his brother William. Frankenstein studied professor Waldmans makek on darker science and when the professor died it gave him the final push towards creating tone. Frankenstein purpose he owed it to the professor to finish his research. The research was cadence consuming this sicke his garner less frequent and shorter. Elizabeth felt isolated because of this and this made Frankenstein sole(a) as hearty. master copy Walton is the first narrator of the book. We learn the layer of Frankensteins addict through his letters to his sister. He is the captain of a displace on an expedition to the North Pole. His pipe dream is to reach the North Pole where no man has been before. He doesnt pee a good relationship with his logger crewmates because he is selfish and reckless you bonk because in the book the crew expose to mutiny if he doesnt let them go back home. Frankenstein and captain Walton get hold of a link between them they twain take on this deep imbedded urge to get hitched with their ambitions without c atomic number 18 of how reckless they are. I theorize this is the reason they connect so well up and become close friends .George is a young, migratory ranch worker who is reasonably venial and has well-defined features. He is like a father to his mentally disabled friend. He shares the dream of throwing his own ranch with Lennie. George is a preferably a quite an lone(a) man because he hasnt got a real future, can buoyt pay back any long term relationship because Lennie takes up mostly all his time. In the book George explain how he would be able to live easily without Lennie perfection amighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could get a job an work, an no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the speak come I could take my cardinal bucks and go into town and get whatsoever I hope.Lennie is a mentally challenged ranch worker. He is a galactic strong man who is tearaway(a). Lennie and George are a magnet, Lennie is the north pole and George is the south pole. They are completely opposite that they quiesce attract each other and abide unneurotic. Lennie is childish and maybe mentally handicapped however he can nonoperational manipulate George. You see this in this extract full after George was complaining about Lennie stopping him doing what he wanted to do with his life. Lennie say if you don want me I can go off in the hills an find a cave. I can go any time.And George relied by dictum No- suppose I was jus foolin, Lennie. cause I want you to stay with me.. Lennie likes to pet soft things he gets in trouble because of this. Lennie is very lonely because he cant do what the other men do over out-of-pocket to him world mentally challenged and irrational. You can see he is lonely from what he does in this quote Ever organic body structure went into town, he said Slim an George an everbody. George say I gotta stay hear an not get in no trouble. I see your light.. This shows that he is lonely and is searching for a friend because he has been leave out. This also gilds that Lennie is an outcast.Crooks is a drab disordered back stable buck. He is called crooks due to having a crooked spine where a horse kicked him. Crooks is lonely and isolated from the hiatus of the workers, he has to sleep in his own place in the stables because he is black and in the time of the book in that location was a lot of racism and it was trustworthy that blacks were inferior to the discolors. He is bitter and irascible due to the way he is treated, its a defence mechanism to search and stop him from getting hurt however when Lennie is left alone and he goes in to Crooks room he doesnt pronounce him by his ethnicity still Crooks acts bitter because he doesnt trust that a white man can be his friend this parallels with Frankenstein. In Frankenstein the goliath thinks a pull the leg of wouldnt judge him however the nestling does. Even though there are differences the theme of judgement are in both texts.The demon in Frankenstein is a man made from the severed body parts from dead criminals that Frankenstein put together and broug ht it to life. He has overwhelming strength and is impetuous. The monster is lonely because he is incredible hideous, detestable and horrifying which cause people to brat and run away from him. The monster just wants to be bangd and have a friend he can take to task to he doesnt care who it is. In the book he lived in the woodwind for a while and noticed a family called the De Lacys who where struggling to survive during the winter. He became friends with them and helped the by doing hard manual work. Over time the monster saw what the de Lacys had and he fell in love with one of the de Lacys. When he told her his intensions she panic and gave him a look of disgust. Then the monster was mad with anger so he fire them alive.The monster and Lennie a really quite similar they both are strong, impetuous and similar in appearance. The monster and Lennie have similar dependencies on their creator or carer. The monster is dependant on Frankenstein to skeleton him a companion and even tually to be a father. Lennie is dependant on George to look after him and stop him getting in trouble.Curleys wife is very lonely, bored and frustrated. She lives on a ranch where there no other women and during the day all the men go to work so she is left on her own being bored because she has no one to run out to. This is shown in this quote Think I dont like to whistle to somebody ever once in a while? Think I like to stick in that dwelling house alla time?. She is also frustrated that her life turned out this way. She married a violent man who she didnt love. She imagined her life to be full of glamour, fame and stardom. In the book Lennie and Curleys are in the barn. Curleys wife is flirting with Lennie. Lennie starts stroking her fuzz softly then he got harder and harder until Curleys wife screams. Lennie panics, covers her mouth and shakes until she was dead. A similar thing happens in the book Frankenstein, the monster tries to be friends with William however William pa nics and the monster circumstantially kills him.The structure and style of both texts are very different. bloody shame shelly told the falsehood of Frankenstein through letters that captain Walton wrote to his sister and at the end of the book we hear the monsters side to the story. The style of Frankenstein is mediaeval horror. It is dark, gory and intense. Steinbecks is pen in a more traditional structure in the third person. It is an emotional drama. Steinbeck uses interpretation of scenery and animals to build characters however Mary shelly focuses on developing characters.In mop up I believe that both books illustrate loneliness and dependency very well however I prefer the story of Frankenstein more than Of mice and men because Frankenstein is more surreal and is gory which I like. Of mice and men is real and quite boring. I think the feature that they are very different types of books that were written at very different measure and still have the same themes is quit e interesting.

JPMorgan Chase Paper Essay

In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan Chase, the largest preeminent U. S. bank, announced trading losings from enthronisation decisions made by its Chief enthronization Office (CIO) of $5. 8 billion. The Securities and put back Commission ( sulfur) was provided falsified start quarter reports that hidden this massive loss. Discuss how administrative agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodities Futures commerce Commission (CFTC) take action in commit to be effective in preventing high-risk gambles in securities / banking, a foundation of the economy. In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan Chase, the largest leave behinding U.S. bank, sack up known trading losses from investment verdict made by its Chief investment funds Office (CIO) of $5. 8 billion. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was provided falsified initiative quarter reports that concealed this enormous loss. The traffic of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect inv estors, uphold fair, organize, and efficient markets, and ease capital formation. Obligatory public companies to disclose meaningful pecuniary maintaination to the public is an effective ingrain toward the SEC takes in order to assure the securities of this commonwealth (U. S.Securities and Exchange Commission). These assist investors prevent high-risk gambles and allows them to make the right decisions when deciding on which companies to invest in. The commodity Future Trading Commission regulates the product futures and options markets. Its ass includes the promotion of competitive and efficient futures markets and the protection of investors against manipulation, offensive trade scheme and fraud (U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission). some(prenominal) the SEC and the CFTC played a role in investigating the massive trading losses in the typeface of JPMorgan Chase.The SECs investigation could lonesome(prenominal) focus on the suit powerfulness and completeness of JPM organ Chase financial reporting and other public disclosures. However SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro stated that her agencys investigation is limited, because the trades happened in divisions of the banking giant that arent adequate to(p) to SEC regulation (CNN Money). The leader of CFTC, Gary Gensler, give an impression that JPMorgans losses are worth hold backing for into, because as a U. S. bank, it is an entity with direct admission to the national Reserves discount window and federal official deposit insurance (CNN Money).Determine the elements of a reasoned resolve, and discuss how consumers and banks each have a duty of heavy faith and fair dealing in the banking relationship. A beat is a de jure incumbent on(predicate) promise or set of promises (Bagley, C. 2013). If this promise is broken, all party involved can be legally responsible and take the other party to court. on that point are four basic elements in the entry of a valid contract. The first consist of a n covenant among the parties involved, by an presented offer and acceptance.The second states that the parties promises mustiness be supported by something of worth, known as consideration. The third advises both parties must have the ability to enter into a contract. The fourth element states the contract must have a legal calculate (Bagley, C 2013). The duty of practised faith and unassailable dealing is implied in every contract. In late years the mortgage industry has been seen as a prime example of how consumers and banks need to better conceive and adhere to duty of broad(a) faith and effectual dealings.Consumers had the responsibility of understanding the contracts involved in acceptation the money needed for their homes. Banks had the responsibility of knowing who they should pass on money to, and the conditions of the rates involved on the loans provided. Relationships among banks and consumers could have been avoided if the duty of good faith and good dealing was implemented on contracts granted amidst the banks and consumers. Compare and contrast the differences between designed and derelict civil wrong actionsA civil wrong is a automobile trunk of rights, and obligations that is applied by courts in civil minutes to provide relief for persons who have suffered aggrieve. Tort int prohibit civil wrong resulting in injury to a person or property (Bagley, C. 2013). An intentional tort action is when there is intent to cause injure to a person or property . wise to(p) torts include things like assault and battery, slander, false imprisonment, libel, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. These torts are often, but non always, the case that an intentional tort is also a criminal act (Bagley, C. 2013).A negligent tort action is when a person is careless to his or her own actions and did non intend to cause harm to a person or property. Even though that person is negligent, he or she is cool off held legally responsibl e because of their careless actions. To illustrate the difference between negligence and an intentional tort, lets look at an example with two different scenarios. The complainant is a woman named ramona, and in both cases, she is suing because of a broken leg. state of affair 1 Ramona is walking down the aisle of Wal-Mart inventory when she slips and waterfall on a puddle of cooking oils.The possessor of the store was negligent for not cleaning up the spill. Even though the store owner did not intend for Ramona to get hurt, he is still liable for her broken led because his negligence lead to her injury. Scenario 2 Molly is walking to her car when she is assaulted by a man who wants to steal her wallet. The assailant shoves her to the ground, and she breaks her articulatio radiocarpea as a result of the attack. The police later(prenominal) catch the assailant, and Molly sues him for her injuries. In both cases the end result is the same Ramona end up with a broken leg.Both defe ndants can be held liable for Ramona injuries, but for different reasons. The store owner is liable because he failed to clean up the spilled of oils, which a reasonable person would have done. The aggressor is liable because they intentionally caused harm to Molly by pushing her. Discuss the tort action of folie with Contractual Relations and Participating in a Breach of Fiduciary duty and, if the bank youve elect were to behave as JP Morgan did, would you be able to endure in such a tort action.The limp with contractual relations defends the right to enjoy the benefits of legally binding agreements (Bagley, C 2013). The existence of a contract at the time of the assumed interference is what separates elusive interference with contract from the more complicated to entrap tortuous interference with prospective contractual relations. If good grounds exist for the interference, such as the case with JP Morgan, then the defendant would not be liable. With the advent of mobile ban king, discuss how banks have protected the packet that allows for online transaction to occur through automation.The majority banks inform consumers that they are protected by the Online Banking Security Guarantee, which covers the certification of your information and bank accounts. Banks hold a indebtedness of making sure the consumers security is protected, and if dishonored about banks will guarantee up to a cytosine percent against theft of your funds from online banking services. While umteen worry about online banking, theres good news that mobile banking is to some extent strong just for the reason that there are so numerous variations of banking apps and methods in the market. A thief has no way of predicting which technique a possible victim might use.Cited Work U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. (n. d. ). Retrieved shew 1, 2013, from U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission http//www. cftc. gov/index. htm CNN Money (n. d. ). Retrieved establish 1, 2013 , from http//money. cnn. com/2012/05/22/news/economy/jp-morgan-senate/index. htm U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n. d. ). Retrieved troop 1, 2013, from U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission http//www. sec. gov/ Bagley, C. (2013). Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the twenty-first Century, 7th Edition. Mason South-Western, Cengage Learning.